
The history of Runway began in 2015, when the Folkers, a Baptist missionary family from Georgia, United States, moved to Brno.  After two years of learning Czech, Stephen and Jennifer Folker began holding a home Bible study group in their house with other christians from the Baptist church in Brno.  The group’s goal was to study the Bible and pray together for God’s guidance and sending to ministry.

At the same time, God led us in prayers to Bystrc. With the blessing of the leadership of the Baptist church, we began to organize various activities for people of Bystrc and the surrounding area.  In October of 2017 we organized our first English event, called “American Evening.”  In December of the same year, we organized another English event, “American Christmas.”  In the following year of 2018, we organized for the first time the course “Marriage Seminars”, which we have been organizing regularly in Bystrc since then, as well as the course “Raising of Children”.

In 2019 we organized a summer day camp for children from Bystrc for the first time and we started activities in other areas, including a club for mom’s with young children or a series of lectures. You can find more information about current activities in the Activities section.